Welcome to the help page!
Sorry if this wasn't as pretty as you were expecting. It was like midnight when I made this. Will improve it soon!

While I think this website is super cool (because it is 😜), it unfortunately isn't official. I'm technically a "3rd party" to the server.
So, the data you send to the PVC Mapper is held on separate servers by a separate person (me, LarryTLlama).

External Sites
The PVC Mapper might link you to other websites. Don't worry, you'll get notice when you're leaving the Mapper, like this:
⚠️ External Site - Not affiliated with Peaceful Vanilla Club or PVC Mapper!

Data and the PVC Mapper
The data on the Mapper is what makes it the Mapper!
The mapper will collect the following data from the PVC website:
Here's what we store from *you*:

We'll also store these on your device, in the form of cookies:

We'll also send some data to our 3rd parties:

Using the mapper
The best way to use the mapper is to sign up. This is easy, especially if you sign up while you're in-game!
Start by cul cking the profile picture in the searchbar. Then, choose "Sign Up".

Signing Up
Signing up is simple. First, make sure you're in-game, as this will make the verification process *much* easier!
Once you're in the Sign-Up menu, enter your in-game username, and choose a unique password.
Once you click submit, you'll need to verify. In game, go to the coordinates presented on screen.
When you are in the exact spot, click "I'm Here" to verify and create your account. Welcome to the Mapper!

Logging back in
To log back in, click the profile picture in the searchbar. Then, choose log-in.
Enter the same credentials as you did when signing up, and click "Log In" to get back in! With your new Mapper account, you can add places, areas and features to the map, as well as customize your player profile and leave reviews!

Creating Places - Locations
⚠️ On mobile devices, turn the device landscape to see the map and data fields!
To begin with, we'll create an individual location. Head to the menu, and choose "Add a Place". This opens the mapper editor
Once the editor loads, make sure to choose if you want a location in the nether or overworld (using the toggle button).
For this example, we'll choose the "Location" type. Click the button and begin filling out the fields!
A couple things to note:

Creating Places - Areas
⚠️ On mobile devices, turn the device landscape to see the map and data fields!
This is mostly the same process. Follow the above steps, but choose "Area" this time.
When creating your area, there are noticably less fields to fill out. Do as many as you can!
Then, you're ready to create the bounds to your area! Click on the map to add a new corner to your area.
If you make a mistake, you can right click to remove the most recent coordinate. Easy!

Using the searchbar
The searchbar is the easiest way to navigate the main mapper page. Simply put in a query and go!

Using the Online Now list
The "Online Now" list can be found in the main menu.
This can be used to access a list of players, their skins, positions, and Mapper profile links of those in game.

Getting help with the Mapper
Don't contact staff about the Mapper, as they don't actually have much to do with the creation of it! :O
Contact .LarryTLlama in game (or discord ideally) to get help, or report bugs, or just to chat about the Mapper!

Using the Waypoints File Generator
To use the Waypoints generator, visit the Main Menu and choose "Tools". To import your files, do the following:
  1. Login and create a waypoint in-game in each dimension (if you haven't already).
  2. Find your .minecraft folder. On windows, this is found at %appdata%/.minecraft
  3. Enter the XaeroWaypoints folder, then Multiplayer_mc.peacefulvanilla.club
  4. Browse through the folders to find the configuration file including your already created waypoints. (Hint: Not config.txt, but in a folder beside it!)
  5. Open the file and replace (or add in) the generated waypoints text for the right dimension.

You may need to quit to the main menu and log in again for the new waypoints to appear.
🙋‍♂️ TIP: If they aren't in the right world, or all need editing, you can select them all and edit all in the waypoints menu!

Wow! You made it to the end of the help page! Congrats! 🎉 Have a cookie! 🍪