Coordinates 🙋♂️ Top tip: Rotate device to landscape and click on the map to autofill these
Image Max 5MB. PNG, JPEG or GIFs if you're fancy!
Wiki Page or Website Link We'll pick up a link to a Wiki Page or website!
Wiki Page
Creator of the place
Created By
Date Created Unsure? Set both to 0! Set a date in the future to add estimated construction finish.
Created during:
Place type: Choose the most appropriate, or "Miscellaneous" if it doesn't fit any.Features
Has Nether portal?
Has Ender Chest?
For public use?
Historical place?
New Area...
Coordinates 🙋♂️ Click on the map to add a point, right click to remove the last one! Learn More
Name of the area
Image Max 5MB. PNG, JPEG or GIFs if you're fancy!
Wiki Page or Website Link We'll pick up a link to a Wiki Page or website!
Wiki Page
Area type: Choose the most appropriate, or "Other" if it doesn't fit any.
New Network
Whole Network name
Whole network description
Network type: Choose the most appropriate.🙋♂️ To create a network, add vertices/stops, and create streets between them. Learn How
🙋♂️ You can also click anywhere on the map to add a vertex. Right click on the vertex to remove it,
and click on
the vertex to edit it.
🙋♂️ Streets connect vertices. Double click a vertex to start a street, then keep clicking on vertices
to connect the dots!
Edit a Vertex
Editing Vertex with ID: 🙋♂️ Marking a vertex as a stop marks it as a point where people can join the
Place 🙋♂️ You can choose a location (not an area) to connect to this network. If
other networks are already added to this place, you do not need to mark this as an
Interchange 🙋♂️ Interchange points allow players to switch networks, even across dimensions!
Select the network, then the vertex on that network where it connects to.
If two streets from the same network are connected to a vertex, you can skip this
interchange :)
Add a vertex
Edit a Place
Enter a place ID below to edit it. Locations begin with "P", areas with "A", networks with
"N" and collections with "C".
Removing a place
Are you sure?? Pressing the big red button below will begin the procedure to delete a place. If you
created this place originally, it will be removed right away Otherwise a real person need to
verify your removal request!
Adding a portal or ender chest? Go back to the map, right click anywhere and choose "Quick Add".
Creating Collection
Collections don't appear on the map, but can be useful in a search or to filter down places
for new people.
Collection Name
Wiki Page URL (optional)
Image Max 5MB. PNG, JPEG or GIFs if you're fancy!
Collection Type
These types are designed for niche use-cases. If it doesn't fit into any (or fits into
multiple) set it to "Other"!
Collection Items
This is the most important bit! - Add in Places, Areas, Networks, or even other Collections
Creating street (ID 7)
🙋♂️ Click vertex to add to street. Right click anywhere to go back one.